As part of a task at work, I ended up having to figure out all of the default fonts for UITableViewCell and UITableViewHeaderFooterView. I've documented them below, since Apple has not. These values are from iOS 11, and may change as part of a future OS release.


There are several font text styles used in the pre-defined styles of UITableViewCell. Pass these styles to +[UIFont preferredFontForTextStyle:] to retrieve the font.

Cell Style Label Font Style Text Color
UITableViewCellStyleDefault textLabel UIFontTextStyleBody Black
UITableViewCellStyleValue1 textLabel UIFontTextStyleBody Black
detailTextLabel UIFontTextStyleBody Gray R: 0.5, G: 0.5, B: 0.5
UITableViewCellStyleValue2 textLabel UIFontTextStyleFootnote Blue R: 0.22, G: 0.33, B: 0.53
detailTextLabel UIFontTextStyleFootnote Black
UITableViewCellStyleSubtitle textLabel UIFontTextStyleBody Black
detailTextLabel UIFontTextStyleCaption1 Black


The font style of UITableViewHeaderFooterView's labels depends on the style of the table view they are added to.

Table View Style Label Font Style Text Color
UITableViewStylePlain textLabel UIFontTextStyleBody Gray R: 0.42, G: 0.42, B: 0.44
UITableViewStyleGrouped textLabel UIFontTextStyleFootnote Gray R: 0.42, G: 0.42, B: 0.44
detailTextLabel UIFontTextStyleFootnote Gray R: 0.42, G: 0.42, B: 0.44